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My birthday party_我的生日聚会英语作文100字

My birthday party_我的生日聚会英语作文100字

Hello, everyone, my name is Yang she, this year I'm nine years old, from changzhi city XiangYuanXian, hope everyone support me a lot.

Every year on June 27 is my birthday, but before it is my birthday is June 26. Why say June 26 birthday? Because it is also in June 26 birthday of my grandpa, so they add up to a day. Why how into June 27 birthday this year? Because my grandpa just turned 60 to the life, so I no birthday on June 26. We go home to my grandpa and my grandpa's birthday.

The next day, my aunt, uncle and my dopted mother dry dad, grandma and grandpa dad mom dad, aunt, etc... Have come to my birthday, I feel good ? my birthday party



好好学 天天上 | 京ICP备05023154号-5

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